The InBetween Collective aims to provide a space for ideas to sprawl and spawn. We understand that every thought emerges from a context and that every voice is political. The InBetween Collective therefore aims to inform, politicise and bring forth change through knowledge-sharing. Together, we will read, listen, take in, scrutinise, question, create, share, collaborate.

We do this by picking a thematic topic which will serve as the focal point of our collective for several weeks. Through workshops, a book club, the podcast, articles, and more, we will explore the topic through different lenses. Our last theme left us asking, how is art used to retrieve what was lost, to recover what was destroyed, and to reclaim what was once ours?


After months and months of planning, our first ever exhibition took place in December 2022. Thanks to our collaborators and artists, Hartslane was filled with lots of warmth and good conversation. Credits to Ollie Lansdell for capturing these moments.

Join the Collective.

  • Travel Blog by Meg Elliot

    Join Meg as she archives her time in New Zealand in this travel blog. Read about her inner and outer journey as she allows herself to be changed.

  • Book Club

    For our next book club we will be reading Conversations from Calais: Sharing Refugee Stories. Sign up here.

  • Workshops

    Our workshops range from poetry, journalism, collage making, to much more. Keep an eye out, and let us know if there’s a specific workshop you’d like us to host.

Art Thought - The InBetween Collective, by Sarah Jackman for Poltern

‘Learning together’, ‘creating space’ and ‘sharing ideas’ are the values at the heart of The InBetween Collective. The growing platform is ‘dedicated to fostering critical thinking, community building, and nurturing our creative expression’. Led by two University of Leeds graduates, Megan Elliot and Karma Abudagga, The InBetween Collective is an open platform featuring conversations held over Zoom. Each free zoom session begins with an informal welcome by one of the two creators, avoiding and thawing the online clumsiness endemic to online conversations and fostering connections of the sort we’ve missed over the last year. This atmosphere and ethos of the calls open the space for sharing, listening, and connecting through writing sessions, idea workshops, conversations, and book clubs. During these sessions, conversations remain relaxed but expansive - from discussions of ‘radical love,’ ‘donut economics’ or Claire Denis’s Beau Travail. The collective’s sessions grow organically from one another, from a conversation about Beau Travail to a film screening introduced by a recent member of the collective. This is a sure sign that there are no implicit hierarchies in this collective; it is truly for all to contribute freely, fluidly shaping the collective together. Not only does the platform engage actively online, but the creators also have an InBetween Collective podcast built upon conversations with new creative voices focused on creating inclusive spaces in the fringes; The Girlford Collective, for example, talk about their inclusive skate community, encouraging ‘everyBODY’, particularly minorities within and outside of the community, to skate. The InBetween Collective platform aims to work together to ‘share ideas and inspire conversation,’ rejecting fixed binaries, and it achieves this with ease. The collective feels refreshingly inclusive, creating space for all opinions without judgement whilst still getting gritty with ideas.