What is it to reclaim? What is it to resist erasure? What is it to carve out your place in this world? To demand, silently, loudly - to be seen, to be heard? 

Maybe you heard something on the radio that made you scream. Maybe something sits inarticulable, waiting to be spoken.  Maybe your people, your home is held at a distance from you, photographs a hand held through space and time. Maybe sifting through the past is the only way to envision a future. The works in this exhibition reach into these vaults and produce powerful testimonies of life after loss, connection despite dislocation, colour in monochrome waters.

The InBetween Collective presents ‘Reclaim’, an exhibition exploring the return to things taken, whether through time or force, both tangible and intangible. Reclamation, for these artists, is something acted out in their communities, through movement, dialogue and craft, in meditations with the wild and in poetry that blossoms from fracture. Whether big or small, the act of reclamation is a powerful one. 

Bringing together twelve artists from across the UK, Palestine and Morocco, this exhibition invites us to unearth personal and cultural loss, contemplating and reframing it as a communal, and often celebratory, act of reclamation. 

After months and months of planning, our first ever exhibition took place in December 2022. Thanks to our collaborators and artists, Hartslane was filled with lots of warmth and good conversation. Credits to Ollie Lansdell for capturing these moments.

We also had a pop-up exhibition in Frankfurt as part of this series. Credits to Arne for documenting our event.